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Motorcycle safety during the busy summer months

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2023 | Personal Injury

Connecticut saw 62 motorcycle deaths in 2022, more than the state has seen annually in the past 30 years. With motorcycle accidents on the rise, it is crucial that riders and motorists alike pay attention to motorcycle safety.

Safety tips for motorcyclists

Motorcyclists can help prevent injurious or deadly motorcycle crashes in several ways. First, wearing proper safety equipment is key. Motorcyclists can choose to ride while wearing a government-approved helmet. Wearing long pants and sleeves and sturdy footwear can also help protect a motorcyclist from injuries in the event of a crash.

Motorcyclists can also ensure they ride safely by obtaining the proper training and licensing. Operating a motorcycle takes skill. Not only will bikers want to ensure they know how to handle their vehicles safely, but they will also want to make sure they know how to handle potentially dangerous situations such as riding in poor weather conditions or encountering road debris.

Safety tips for motorists

Motorists can avoid causing a serious or fatal motorcycle crash by practicing motorcycle awareness. Motorcycles are smaller vehicles than automobiles and can be more difficult to see. Thus, it is up to motorists to ensure they look twice before changing lanes, reversing or coming to a stop to ensure they will not collide with a motorcyclist.

Similarly, motorists should take care to yield to a motorcyclist’s right of way when appropriate. Motorcyclists have the same right to share the road as motorists, and there will be times when a motorcyclist has the right of way. Motorists should not violate this right of way or otherwise drive aggressively around motorcyclists.

Finally, motorists should not drive distracted or while intoxicated. A distracted motorist is likely not practicing motorcycle awareness and an intoxicated motorist is incapable of practicing motorcycle awareness. In general, both motorists and motorcyclists should avoid distracted or intoxicated driving.

Like any car accident, motorcycle accidents have the potential to be catastrophic. Motorcyclists are at a significant risk of being injured or killed in the event of a crash. Basic safety practices can help keep motorcyclists safe on Connecticut roads.